Answering Service Blog

Phone Answering Service Blog

Read Ambs' phone answering blog for tips, tricks, and inside information from answering service veterans on how to create a culture of professional, customer-focused voices.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Aaron Boatin
April 25th, 2024

This blog was originally published on 1/18/2021 and has been updated for relevance.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Aaron Boatin
April 10th, 2024

Unless you work in health care, you probably aren’t particularly excited about dealing with sick people all day.

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Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Aaron Boatin
March 7th, 2024

Business management advice blogs and forums are abound with questions about how and why employees abuse their benefits and what can be done about it.

Blog Feature

Customer Service | Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work | Shopping for an Answering Service

By: Ryan Ambs
February 26th, 2024

This blog was originally published on 5/10/22 and has been updated for relevance. If you have an answering service, there’s probably been a point when you’ve wished your bill was cheaper.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Peter DeHaan
December 13th, 2023

Wouldn’t it be great if employees came to work when they’re supposed to? On time, every time? In an ideal world we wouldn’t need to worry about absent employees or those who arrive late. But we do. Attendance issues are something every company faces. And the larger the company the bigger the problem.

Blog Feature

Customer Service | Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work | Healthcare | Real Estate & Property Management | Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses | Attorneys | Trade Services | Virtual Receptionists 101 | IT | Shopping for an Answering Service

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
June 2nd, 2022

We’re all trying to tighten up expenses during this crazy time and the family at Ambs Call Center is here for you. Learning about ways to streamline your account can dramatically reduce your answering service costs. All without affecting the service level to your customers.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Aaron Boatin
February 3rd, 2021

When you need to relay important information to employees, oftentimes it can be a huge challenge to do so fast and effectively. Many companies do this by making phone calls which get sent to voicemail. While others send emails that go unread.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Ryan Ambs
January 25th, 2021

“But I DID call! It’s your fault, not mine, that you didn’t get the message.” Maybe they did call, maybe they didn’t, but either way you, as a manager, have a problem on your hands.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
January 14th, 2021

When you’re a busy HR Manager at a mid-size to large company, staying on top of employee absences can be a burden.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work

By: Peter DeHaan
September 10th, 2018

While few people are happy with the current state of healthcare in the United States, one ray of sunshine comes from the growing role medical answering services and healthcare call centers play in providing professional, personal care and attention to patients and their caregivers.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
April 19th, 2017

Calling in sick should never be hard. When you’re not feeling your best, all you want to do is go back to sleep and focus on healing, not wrack your brain trying to remember what manager is going to be in charge and the best way to reach them and alert them you won’t be making it in.