Answering Service Blog

Phone Answering Service Blog

Read Ambs' phone answering blog for tips, tricks, and inside information from answering service veterans on how to create a culture of professional, customer-focused voices.

Blog Feature

Customer Service | Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work | Healthcare | Real Estate & Property Management | Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses | Attorneys | Trade Services | Virtual Receptionists 101 | IT | Shopping for an Answering Service

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
June 2nd, 2022

We’re all trying to tighten up expenses during this crazy time and the family at Ambs Call Center is here for you. Learning about ways to streamline your account can dramatically reduce your answering service costs. All without affecting the service level to your customers.

Blog Feature

Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses

By: Aaron Boatin
October 3rd, 2019

What does it take to provide top-notch customer service over the phone? It’s far more than you might think. A happy voice and a pleasant greeting isn’t nearly enough. Customer service reps need to be prepared to answer any and all sorts of questions about your company and service. They need to be charismatic, yes. But they also need to efficiently get your prospect or customers what they need.

Why Use an Answering Service

Is an answering service right for your organization?

Get our free infographic, illustrating how partnering with an answering service can grow your business, by subscribing to our blog.

Blog Feature

How Answering Services Work | Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses

By: Peter DeHaan
August 29th, 2019

Hurricane season is officially upon us. Whether or not your business is in an area prone to hurricanes, it’s wise to be prepared for the unexpected. Though the threats vary by location, no business is immune to some sort of hazard.

Blog Feature

Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses

By: Aaron Boatin
September 20th, 2017

As much as we take note of the dwindling number of mom-and-pop shops across America, modern-day small businesses can and do compete with national and international chains. Cost isn’t the only means of competition either. Larger companies are often able to bargain for less expensive variable costs with their suppliers – and thus, are more readily able to lower prices.

Blog Feature

Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses

By: Mike Kotsis
April 20th, 2017

One of my clients nearly buried his semi-truck dealership because he thought that as the owner, he was responsible for his business.