Local Telephone Answering Service Locations


Local Answering Service

We have two phone answering service locations to serve you anywhere in the United States and Canada. One is located in the friendly Midwestern state of Michigan, and the other is in the sunshine state of Florida.

2 Locations Serving Companies Nationwide

No matter where your business is located, we can serve you. Ambs Call Center handles calls from anywhere across the United States and Canada. Whether your needs include HIPAA medical answering services, customer service help desk solutions, property management emergency after-hours response, or appointment scheduling services, Ambs Call Center is dedicated to your success no matter where you are because of our wide variety of answering services and call center assistance.

Want to read more about how answering services work? Check out the Answering Service Guide >>

We serve the following main cities. Don’t see your location? No problem. We will develop a strategy that works for you.

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