Answering Service Blog

Phone Answering Service Blog

Read Ambs' phone answering blog for tips, tricks, and inside information from answering service veterans on how to create a culture of professional, customer-focused voices.

Jennifer McGlothlin

Jennifer McGlothlin

Jennifer McGlothlin oversees workforce management at Ambs Call Center. Overseeing scheduling to ensure service levels are met in order to provide excellent service to telephone answering and virtual receptionist clients.

Blog Feature

Customer Service | Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work | Healthcare | Real Estate & Property Management | Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses | Attorneys | Trade Services | Virtual Receptionists 101 | IT | Shopping for an Answering Service

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
June 2nd, 2022

We’re all trying to tighten up expenses during this crazy time and the family at Ambs Call Center is here for you. Learning about ways to streamline your account can dramatically reduce your answering service costs. All without affecting the service level to your customers.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
January 14th, 2021

When you’re a busy HR Manager at a mid-size to large company, staying on top of employee absences can be a burden.

Why Use an Answering Service

Is an answering service right for your organization?

Get our free infographic, illustrating how partnering with an answering service can grow your business, by subscribing to our blog.

Blog Feature


By: Jennifer McGlothlin
September 2nd, 2020

If you work within the health care industry, you already know the importance of protecting patient health information (PHI). A question we are regularly asked is, "How can I tell if I have a HIPAA compliant answering service?"

Blog Feature

How Answering Services Work

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
July 6th, 2017

'Please', 'Thank You', 'May I' and 'You’re Welcome'... these are all very familiar terms of speech to all of us, yet they are words that we seem to hear less and less.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
April 19th, 2017

Calling in sick should never be hard. When you’re not feeling your best, all you want to do is go back to sleep and focus on healing, not wrack your brain trying to remember what manager is going to be in charge and the best way to reach them and alert them you won’t be making it in.

Blog Feature


By: Jennifer McGlothlin
March 15th, 2017

If you dread calling the IT help desk for assistance, you may be surprised to know that the feeling is sometimes mutual. Though “help” is clearly stated in their job description, sometimes verbal and non-verbal cues from the help desk staff tell you that they really don’t want to be there, especially solving the same problems for the same people all the time.

Blog Feature


By: Jennifer McGlothlin
February 28th, 2017

It’s not far off to refer to the legal world as a jungle. It’s the special environment where attorneys fight tooth and nail for the good of their clients. This turf that can be confusing and even frightening to outsiders but a good attorney’s responsibility to provide safe navigation through it all, especially the scary parts.

Blog Feature

Trade Services

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
June 2nd, 2016

A missed call means missed revenue. If you're in the HVAC industry you already know the demands of a 24/7 service company. Being available for new and current customers is job number one. That's where a HVAC answering service can be a real game changer for you.

Blog Feature

How Answering Services Work

By: Jennifer McGlothlin
September 4th, 2014

As businesses started to grow many years ago, the need for a solution to the increased number of calls and increased labor costs was the answering service. It started as a centralized message center and originally was based inside of the company. There were a handful of people who would man everyone's phones.