Answering Service Blog

Phone Answering Service Blog

Read Ambs' phone answering blog for tips, tricks, and inside information from answering service veterans on how to create a culture of professional, customer-focused voices.

Ryan Ambs

Ryan Ambs

Ryan Ambs is Controller for Ambs Call Center. He has extensive experience in banking and finance industry. When his nose is not buried deep within a spreadsheet doing financial analysis, his passion is serving on the board of Cascades Humane Society.

Blog Feature

Customer Service | Human Resources/HR Solutions | How Answering Services Work | Shopping for an Answering Service

By: Ryan Ambs
February 26th, 2024

This blog was originally published on 5/10/22 and has been updated for relevance. If you have an answering service, there’s probably been a point when you’ve wished your bill was cheaper.

Blog Feature

Human Resources/HR Solutions

By: Ryan Ambs
January 25th, 2021

“But I DID call! It’s your fault, not mine, that you didn’t get the message.” Maybe they did call, maybe they didn’t, but either way you, as a manager, have a problem on your hands.

Why Use an Answering Service

Is an answering service right for your organization?

Get our free infographic, illustrating how partnering with an answering service can grow your business, by subscribing to our blog.

Blog Feature

How Answering Services Work

By: Ryan Ambs
November 11th, 2018

Businesses and organizations hire an after-hours answering service for multiple reasons. One common reason is to avoid the need to hire, schedule, and manage staff outside of regular business hours to answer phone calls and handle customer communication.

Blog Feature

Virtual Receptionists 101

By: Ryan Ambs
October 9th, 2017

The phrase live receptionist is a strange one, yet most people understand what it means. It’s a plea to talk to a real person on the phone and not attempt to interact with technology.

Blog Feature

Virtual Receptionists 101

By: Ryan Ambs
September 18th, 2017

The idea of a virtual assistant has been an attractive option for several years to help entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve more in less time and at a lower cost. But the increased efficiency through virtual assistants is gaining traction among medium and larger businesses as well.

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Ambs
April 22nd, 2017

After being in health care administration for the last seventeen years, I find myself asking the same questions health care executives ask themselves every day. For instance, "How can I keep my staff from being overwhelmed by phone calls during office hours?"

Blog Feature

Real Estate & Property Management

By: Ryan Ambs
March 3rd, 2017

There is no shortage of opinions and reviews on the internet. When shopping for a new place to live, online reviews matter. Big time. Learn how using an apartment answering service can help your online reputation.

Blog Feature

How Answering Services Work

By: Ryan Ambs
September 7th, 2014

An answering service is in the business of providing valuable service when you are not available. This means they need to be available 24/7/365. It is important that when you are selecting an answering service provider to know what steps they have taken to be redundant, below are some examples.