Startel Secure Messaging Plus

Startel Secure+ FAQ

Answers to the frequently asked questions about the Startel Secure Messaging Plus app.

Startel Secure Messaging Plus App

Getting Started with Startel Secure Messaging Plus

Download the app from your phone's app store.

Note: Your SM+ app license allows you to have the app installed on three devices. If you're adding it to a new phone, it may be necessary to log into the Startel SM+ website and remove your old phone(s).

How to Clear Messages from the Answering Service

This video teaches you how to clear messages from the answering service with the press of a button. Doing so will save you from having to text or call back to the service. It also will reduce your costs with the answering service.


How to Reply to Messages

Learn how to reply to a specific message from another user, or from the answering service. 


How to Change Settings and Notifications

Learn how to update your notification settings, passcode, default settings and password.

For iPhone Users


For Android Users


How to Use the Contacts Feature

Learn how to view, add, and manage contacts within the Startel Secure+ app.

For iPhone Users

For Android Users


How to Use the Startel SM+ Website

Use the Startel SM+ website to send and receive messages, remove old devices, and manage your preferences.